The Truth About the Book of Jubilees

The Truth About the Book of Jubilees

Jubilees is a fascinating book that provides a window into the world of Second Temple Judaism. However, instead of appreciating it for what it is, a few teachers on the Internet exaggerate its significance and consider it to be inspired Scripture. This video provides an overview of the book of Jubilees and explains why it is not Scripture.

UPDATE: Sean Griffin REALLY did not like this video an made a three-hour response to it. Here is my response to his response. (Don't worry, my video is not nearly as long as his.)

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About David Wilber

David is first and foremost a passionate follower of Yeshua the Messiah. He is also a writer, speaker, and teacher.

David’s heart is to minister to God’s people by helping them rediscover the validity and blessing of God’s Torah and help prepare them to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope within them (1 Peter 3:15)…